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Endurance 1 - Expedition (Nicholas Briggs) Audio Visuals

Endurance 1 - Expedition (Nicholas Briggs)
Endurance 1 - Expedition (Nicholas Briggs) EditUse as template for a new item
1989 Audio Visuals UK

The packaging says this story was written by Erica Galloway.  This is a pseudonym for Nicholas Briggs.

Product description -
History has forgotten the lost Howberry expedition to the Antarctic... It is as if this fine old scientist had never set out to solve the mystery of a lost civilisation.

Perhaps he never did. Is it coincidence that the Doctor and Truman appear at this point in time and space?

Perhaps we'll never know...

One thing's for sure:

coincidence plays no part in the schemes of Justyce, a being whose purpose is as unknown as his identity.

OP: £2