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The Churchill Years - Volume One (Phil Mulryne, Alan Barnes, Justin Richards, Ken Bentley) Big Finish Productions

The Churchill Years - Volume One (Phil Mulryne, Alan Barnes, Justin Richards, Ken Bentley)
The Churchill Years - Volume One (Phil Mulryne, Alan Barnes, Justin Richards, Ken Bentley) EditUse as template for a new item
01/2016 Big Finish Productions UK

5 CD set.  Starring Ian McNeice, who played Winston Churchill in the Series Six episode 'Victory of the Daleks'. The Chartwell Metamorphosis also features Holly Earl as Lily Arwell, the character from the 2011 Christmas special 'The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe'.

  • The Oncoming Storm - Phil Mulryne
  • Hounded - Alan Barnes
  • Living History - Justin Richards
  • The Chartwell Metamorphosis - Ken Bentley

REF: ISBN: 978-1-78178-944-5
OP: £35