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Dark Gallifrey: 1.3: Morbius: Part Three (Tim Foley) Big Finish Productions

Dark Gallifrey: 1.3: Morbius: Part Three (Tim Foley)
Dark Gallifrey: 1.3: Morbius: Part Three (Tim Foley) EditUse as template for a new item
06/2024 Big Finish Productions UK

1 CD. Starring Samuel West and Tom Baker

Morbius has been brought back to life on the Isle of the Dead. But a desperate Captain Argento has called for help and received an unlikely ally. Here is a stranger who knows the tyrant of old and is the only one who can put his plans on ice. But perhaps even the Doctor cannot stop the threat of Dark Gallifrey...

REF: ISBN: 978-1-80240-380-0
OP: £10.99