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Doctor Who: Tomb of Valdemar (Simon Messingham) BBC Worldwide Ltd

Doctor Who: Tomb of Valdemar (Simon Messingham)
Doctor Who: Tomb of Valdemar (Simon Messingham) EditUse as template for a new item
07/02/2000 BBC Worldwide Ltd UK

Cover by Black Sheep.

REF: ISBN 0-563-55591-2
OP: £5.99 p/b
Doctor Who: Tomb of Valdemar (Simon Messingham)
Doctor Who: Tomb of Valdemar (Simon Messingham) EditUse as template for a new item
29/07/2013 BBC Worldwide Ltd UK

Re-issue with new cover. Only available as part of the Fourth Doctor Time Capsule.

REF: ISBN: 978 1 849 90718 7