Doctor Who and the Day of the Daleks (Terrance Dicks) Target/Universal-Tandem Publishing Co. Ltd

04/1974 Target/Universal-Tandem Publishing Co. Ltd UK
Cover and illustrations by Chris Achilleos. Block logo. Orange spine. Colour decal.
Product description -
Mysterious humans from 22nd century Earth 'time-jump' back into the 20th century so as to assassinate a high-ranking diplomat on whom the peace of the world depends. DOCTOR WHO, Jo Grant and the Brigadier are soon called in to investigate. Jo is accidentally transported forward to the 22nd century; the Doctor follows, eventually to be captured by his oldest and deadliest enemies — the DALEKS! Having submitted the Doctor to the fearful Mind Analysis Machine, the DALEKS plan a 'time-jump' attack on Earth in the 20th century!...
'DOCTOR WHO, the children's own programme which adults adore...'
Gerard Garrett, The Daily Sketch
OP: 30p p/b
NM: £5.50

06/1974 Target/Universal-Tandem Publishing Co. Ltd UK
Cover and illustrations by Chris Achilleos. '2nd impression'. Block logo. Orange spine.
REF: ISBN 0-426-10380-7OP: 30p p/b
NM: £4.50

11/1974 Global Brazil
Cover by Darlon (poor copy of Chris Achilleos' cover for Doctor Who and the Daleks). Translated by Marcio Pugliesi and Norberto de Paula Lima. Cover art is dated 1975.
REF: No ISBN.OP: p/b

11/1974 Unieboek B V - Bussum Belgium
Cover description -
Geheimzinnige mensen uit de tweeentwintigste eeuw reizen door de tijd naar de twintigste eeuw om een hoge diplomaat, van wie de wereldvrede afhangt, te vermoorden.
DOCTOR WHO, Jo Grant en de generaal moeten de zaak uitzoeken. Jo komt per ongeluk in de tweeentwintigste eeuw terecht. De Doctor volgt haar en wordt gevangen genomen door zijn oudste en bitterste vijanden; de DALEKS.
Nadat zij de Doctor door de afschuwelijke BREINANALYSATOR hebben laten verhoren, beramen de DALEKS een aanval op de Aarde van de twintigste eeuw...
REF: ISBN 90 269 8108 2OP: f 3,95 / Bfr.66 p/b
NM: £35

1975 Remzi Kitbevi Turkey
Cover by Chris Achilleos (from Doctor Who and the Day of the Daleks). Translated by Reha Pinar.
REF: No ISBNOP: 10 Lira p/b

04/1975 Target/Universal-Tandem Publishing Co. Ltd UK
Cover and illustrations by Chris Achilleos.
REF: ISBN 0-426-10380-7OP: 30p p/b
NM: £4.50

1976 Target/Universal-Tandem Publishing Co. Ltd UK
Cover and illustrations by Chris Achilleos. '2nd impression'. Black curve logo. White spine.
REF: ISBN 0-426-10380-7OP: 40p p/b
NM: £4.50

1978 Target/W. H. Allen & Co. Ltd. UK
Print run: 15,000
REF: ISBN 0-426-10380-7OP: 60p p/b
NM: £4.50

1979 Target/W. H. Allen & Co. Ltd. UK
Print run: 12,000
REF: ISBN 0-426-10380-7OP: 75p p/b
NM: £4.50

04/1979 Pinnacle Books USA
Cover by David Mann
REF: ISBN 0-523-40565-0OP: $1.75 p/b
NM: £5

1980 Hayakawa Publishing Inc Japan
Cover by Michiaki Sato. Translated by Yukio Sekiguchi.
REF: SF 402OP: Y 320 p/b
NM: £100

15/08/1980 Target/W. H. Allen & Co. Ltd. UK
Cover and illustrations by Chris Achilleos. Black curve logo. White spine. Colour decal. Print run: 12,000
REF: ISBN 0-426-10380-7OP: 85p p/b
NM: £4.50

21/08/1981 W. H. Allen & Co. Ltd. UK
Cover by Andrew Skilleter. Print run: 3,000
REF: ISBN 0-491-02975-6OP: £4.50 h/b
NM: £80 N/M

1982 Target/W. H. Allen & Co. Ltd. UK
Cover by Andrew Skilleter. Red neon logo. White spine.
REF: ISBN 0-426-10380-7OP: p/b
NM: £2.50

1983 Editorial Presenca Portugal
Cover by Rui Ligeiro. Illustrations by Chris Achilleos. Translated by Conceicao Jardim and Eduardo Nogueira.

1984 Target/W. H. Allen & Co. Ltd. UK
Cover by Andrew Skilleter. Red neon logo. White spine. Colour decal.
REF: ISBN 0-426-10380-7OP: £1.35 p/b
NM: £2.50

06/1985 Amereon/Aeonian USA
American published hardback edition. No slip-cover. Limited edition of 300 copies. Copyright date inside book is 1978. 1985 date from Barnes and Noble online.
REF: ISBN 0-8488-0151-2OP: $18.95 h/b

1987 Target/W. H. Allen & Co. Ltd. UK
Print run: 9,000
REF: ISBN 0-426-10380-7OP: £1.95 p/b
NM: £2.50

18/04/1991 Target/Virgin Publishing Ltd UK
Cover by Alistair Pearson. Blue spine. Print run: 8,000
REF: ISBN 0-426-10380-7OP: £2.50 p/b
NM: £4

20/10/1994 Virgin Publishing Ltd UK
Cover by Alistair Pearson. McCoy logo. Blue spine. Outline decal. Two editions in 1994

10/05/2012 BBC Books UK
Introduction by Gary Russell.
REF: 9781849904735NM: £4.99

2014 BBC Books UK
Identical to the release of 10/05/2012, except that the gold foil logo on the front cover has been replaced by a standard printed logo.
Although probably published in 2014, the copyright page still says 2012.
REF: ISBN: 978-1-849-90473-5OP: £4.99