Doctor Who and the Dinosaur Invasion (Malcolm Hulke) Allan Wingate (Publishers) Ltd

19/02/1976 Allan Wingate (Publishers) Ltd UK
Cover by Chris Achilleos. Print run: 3,000
REF: ISBN 0-85523-061-4OP: £2.25 h/b
NM: £200 N/M

19/02/1976 Target/Tandem Publishing Ltd UK
Cover by Chris Achilleos. Orange curve logo. White spine. Colour decal.
Product description -
The Doctor walked slowly forward into the cul-de-sac. The giant dinosaur turned its head to focus on the midget now approaching...the Doctor aimed his gun to fire...suddenly from behind came a great roar of anger. He spun round — blocking the exit from the narrow street towered a Tyrannosaurus Rex, its savage jaws dripping with blood...
The Doctor and Sarah arrive back in the TARDIS to find London completely deserted — except for the dinosaurs. Has the return of these prehistoric creatures been deliberately planned, and, if so, who can be behind it all?
REF: ISBN 0-426-10874-4OP: 40p p/b
NM: £6

1977 Allan Wingate (Publishers) Ltd UK
Cover by Chris Achilleos. Print run: 1,500
"Second Impression"
REF: ISBN 0-85523-061-4OP: £2.95 h/b
NM: £150 N/M

29/06/1978 Target/W H Allen & Co Ltd UK
Cover by Jeff Cummins. Red curve logo. White spine. Print run: 25,000
REF: ISBN 0-426-10874-4OP: 60p p/b
NM: £2.50

05/1979 Pinnacle Books USA
Cover by David Mann
Product description -
Three hundred and fifty million years ago, dinosaurs crawled the Earth, devouring everything in sight. But then they disappeared. Certainly, no one ever expected them to return...
When Doctor Who lands in London and finds the entire city deserted — except for dinosaurs — he figures something really weird is going on. It is. A clever group of misguided idealists is at the center of a bizarre plot to reverse Time to a golden era — an era before technology, before pollution, before the hydrogen bomb. The group is going to give the human race a second chance.
But, to implement Operation Golden Age, the past must be eliminated. The present will not exist — and only the chosen will survive. Doctor Who must turn the clock forward to stop Operation Golden Age, but will he be able to do it before Earth's Time runs out?
REF: ISBN 0-523-40606-1OP: $1.75 p/b
NM: £5

13/12/1979 Target/W H Allen & Co Ltd UK
Cover by Jeff Cummins. Red curve logo. White spine. Colour decal. Print run: 12,000
REF: ISBN 0-426-10874-4OP: 75p p/b
NM: £2.50

1982 Target/W H Allen & Co Ltd UK
Cover by Jeff Cummins. Red curve logo. White spine. Colour decal
REF: ISBN 0-426-10874-4OP: £1.35 p/b
NM: £2.50

1983 Target/W H Allen & Co Ltd UK
REF: ISBN 0-426-10874-4
OP: £1.35 p/b
NM: £2.50

1984 Target/W H Allen & Co Ltd UK
Cover by Jeff Cummins. Red curve logo. White spine. Colour decal.
REF: ISBN 0-426-10874-4OP: £1.35 p/b
NM: £2.50

18/11/1993 Target/Virgin Publishing Ltd UK
Cover by Alistair Pearson. Blue spine.
REF: ISBN 0-426-10874-4OP: £3.50 p/b
NM: £5

28/04/2016 BBC Books UK
Cover by Chris Achilleos.
Product description -
The Doctor and Sarah arrive in London to find it deserted. The city has been evacuated as prehistoric monsters appear in the streets. While the Doctor works to discover who or what is bringing the dinosaurs to London, Sarah finds herself trapped on a spaceship that left Earth months ago travelling to a new world...
Against the odds, the Doctor manages to trace the source of the dinosaurs. But will he and the Brigadier be in time to unmask the villains before Operation Golden Age changes the history of planet Earth and wipes out the whole of human civilisation?
Featuring the Third Doctor as played by Jon Pertwee with his companion Sarah Jane Smith and UNIT.
REF: ISBN 978-1785940378
OP: £6.99 PB