Doctor Who and the Cybermen (Gerry Davis) Target/Universal-Tandem Publishing Co. Ltd

20/02/1975 Target/Universal-Tandem Publishing Co. Ltd UK
Cover by Chris Achilleos. Illustrated by Alan Willow. Block logo. Black spine. Colour decal. Novelisation of The Moonbase.
Product description -
One by one, their limbs became diseased — they were replaced by plastic and steel.
Little by Little, their brains tired — computers worked just as well!
With metal limbs, they had the strength of ten men. They could live in the airless vacuum of space. They had no heart, no feelings, no emotions, and only one goal — power!
In the year 2070, a small blue planet caught their attention. They would land on its satellite and, from there, attack, ransack, destroy and finally abandon...
Can the Doctor defeat the enemy whose threat is almost as great as that of the mighty Daleks?
REF: ISBN 0-426-10575-3OP: 35p p/b
NM: £5

11/1975 Remzi Kitbevi Turkey
Cover by Chris Achilleos (from Doctor Who and the Cybermen). Translated by Reha Pinar.
REF: No ISBNOP: 10 Lira p/b

03/1976 Target/Universal-Tandem Publishing Co. Ltd UK
Cover by Chris Achilleos. Block logo. Black spine.
REF: ISBN 0-426-11463-9OP: 40p p/b
NM: £4

17/08/1978 Target/W. H. Allen & Co. Ltd UK
Cover by Chris Achilleos. '2nd Impression'. Red curve logo. White spine. Colour decal. Print run: 10,000
REF: ISBN 0-426-10575-3OP: 60p p/b
NM: £4

16/08/1979 Target/W. H. Allen & Co. Ltd UK
Cover by Chris Achilleos. 3rd impression. Red curve logo. White spine. Print run: 12,000
REF: ISBN 0-426-10575-3OP: 70p p/b
NM: £4

1980 Target/W. H. Allen & Co. Ltd UK
Cover by Chris Achilleos. 4th impression. Red curve logo. White spine.
REF: ISBN 0-426-10575-3OP: 85p p/b
NM: £4

1981 Target/W. H. Allen & Co. Ltd. UK
Cover by Bill Donohoe. Red neon logo. Red spine. No number on spine. Colour decal.
Product description -
A mystery virus is wreaking havoc among the crew of the Earth's weather control station on the moon.
While investigations are in progress International Space Headquarters Earth puts the entire Moon base into strict quarantine — the Doctor and his companions included!
To make matters worse, Moon base personnel inexplicably vanish and vital weather control equipment is sabotaged.
Who is responsible?
The Director of the base suspects the time-travellers. The Doctor fears that the ruthlessly evil Cybermen are at work...
REF: ISBN 0-426-11463-9OP: 95p p/b
NM: £3

16/07/1981 W. H. Allen & Co. Ltd. UK
Cover by Bill Donohoe. Red neon logo. Print run: 3,000.
Product description -
A mystery virus is wreaking havoc among the crew of the Earth's weather control station on the moon.
While investigations are in progress International Space Headquarters Earth puts the entire Moon base into strict quarantine — the Doctor and his companions included!
To make matters worse, Moon base personnel inexplicably vanish and vital weather control equipment is sabotaged.
Who is responsible?
The Director of the base suspects the time-travellers. The Doctor fears that the ruthlessly evil Cybermen are at work...
Among the many Doctor Who books available are the following recently published titles:
Doctor Who and the Nightmare of Eden
Doctor Who and the Horns of Nimon
Doctor Who and the Monster of Peladon
Doctor Who and the Creature from the Pit
Doctor Who and the Terror of the Autons
Doctor Who and the Enemy of the World
Doctor Who and the Green Death
Doctor Who and the Sea-Devils
OP: £4.50 h/b
NM: £40

1982 Target/W. H. Allen & Co. Ltd. UK
Cover by Bill Donohoe. Red spine. Red neon logo. Colour Decal. Print run: 15,000
REF: ISBN 0-426-11463-9OP: 95p p/b
NM: £3

1982 Target/W. H. Allen & Co. Ltd. UK
Cover by Bill Donohoe. Red spine. Red neon logo. Colour Decal.
REF: ISBN 0-426-11463-9OP: £1.50 p/b
NM: £3

1984 Target/W. H. Allen & Co. Ltd. UK
Cover by Bill Donohoe. Red spine. Red neon logo. Outline Decal. Book reprinted twice in 1984. Print run: 20,000
REF: ISBN 0-426-11463-9OP: £1.50 p/b
NM: £3

07/07/2011 BBC Books UK
New edition. Cover by Chris Achilleos. Introduction by Gareth Roberts.
Product description -
'There are some corners of the universe which have bred the most terrible things. Things which are against everything we have ever believed in. They must be fought. To the death.'
In 2070, the Earth's weather is controlled by a base on the moon. But when the Doctor and his friends arrive, all is not well. They discover unexplained drops in air pressure, minor problems with the weather control systems, and an outbreak of a mysterious plague.
With Jamie injured, and members of the crew going missing, the Doctor realises that the moonbase is under attack. Some malevolent force is infecting the crew and sabotaging the systems as a prelude to an invasion of Earth. And the Doctor thinks he knows who is behind it: the Cybermen.
Featuring the Second Doctor as played by Patrick Troughton, and his companions Polly, Ben and Jamie.
REF: ISBN: 978-1-849-90191-8OP: £4.99