Doctor Who and the Robots of Death (Terrance Dicks) W. H. Allen & Co. Ltd

24/05/1979 W. H. Allen & Co. Ltd UK
Cover by John Geary. Print run: 3,500.
REF: ISBN 0-491-02436-3OP: £3.50 h/b
NM: £120 N/M submitted by Christian Moitzi

24/05/1979 Target/W. H. Allen & Co. Ltd UK
Cover by John Geary. Orange curve logo. White spine. Colour decal. Print run: 27,000.
Product description -
On a desert planet the giant sandminer crawls through the howling sandstorms, harvesting the valuable minerals in the sand.
Inside, the humans relax in luxury, while most of the work is done by the robots who serve them.
Then the Doctor and Leela arrive — and the mysterious deaths begin. First suspects, then hunted victims, Leela and the Doctor must find the hidden killer — or join the other victims of the Robots of Death.
REF: ISBN 0-426-20061-6OP: 70p p/b
NM: £4.50

15/01/1981 Target/W. H. Allen & Co. Ltd UK
Cover by John Geary. Gold curve logo. White spine. Colour decal. Print run: 15,000.
REF: ISBN 0-426-20061-6OP: 90p p/b
NM: £3.50

1982 Target/W. H. Allen & Co. Ltd UK
REF: ISBN 0-426-20061-6
OP: p/b
NM: £3.50

1984 Target/W. H. Allen & Co. Ltd UK
Cover by John Geary. Orange curve logo. White spine. Colour decal.
REF: ISBN 0-426-20061-6OP: £1.35 p/b
NM: £3.50

1984 Target/W. H. Allen & Co. Ltd UK
Cover by John Geary. Orange curve logo. White spine. Outline decal.
REF: ISBN 0-426-20061-6OP: £1.95 p/b
NM: £3.50

1988 Target/W. H. Allen & Co. Ltd UK
Print run: 5,000.
REF: ISBN 0-426-20061-6OP: £1.95 p/b
NM: £3.50