Doctor Who and the Leisure Hive (David Fisher) W. H. Allen & Co. Ltd.

22/07/1982 W. H. Allen & Co. Ltd. UK
Cover by Andrew Skilleter.
REF: ISBN 0-491-02727-3OP: £4.95 h/b
NM: £50 N/M

22/07/1982 Target/W. H. Allen & Co. Ltd. UK
Cover by Andrew Skilleter. Orange neon logo. Orange spine. Colour decal. Print run: 35,000. Title page has 'A Star Book' and Star logo in place of the usual Target logo; appears to have been corrected in all subsequent editions. Two printings in 1982.
Product description -
The Leisure Hive on the planet Argolis is an entertainment centre for galactic travellers. At the heart of the Hive is the Tachyon Recreation Generator, a machine with a most extraordinary performance capability and vital to the continued existence of the Argolin after their devastating war with the reptilian Foamasi...
While visiting the Hive, the Doctor and Romana are sucked into a whirlpool of treachery and deceit, and are eventually arrested on suspicion of murder...
REF: ISBN 0-426-20147-7OP: £1.25 p/b
NM: £4

1983 Target/W. H. Allen & Co. Ltd. UK
Print run: 20,000.
REF: ISBN 0-426-20147-7OP: p/b
NM: £3

1984 Target/W. H. Allen & Co. Ltd. UK
Cover by Andrew Skilleter. Orange neon logo. Orange spine. Colour decal.
REF: ISBN 0-426-20147-7OP: £1.35 p/b
NM: £3

1984 Target/W. H. Allen & Co. Ltd. UK
Cover by Andrew Skilleter. Orange neon logo. Orange spine. Outline logo.
REF: ISBN 0-426-20147-7
OP: £1.95 p/b
NM: £3

1987 Target/W. H. Allen & Co. Ltd. UK
Print run: 14,000.
REF: ISBN 0-426-20147-7OP: £1.95 p/b
NM: £3