Doctor Who and the Zarbi (Bill Strutton) Frederick Muller Ltd

10/1965 Frederick Muller Ltd UK
Jacket design by J Woods. Illustrated by John Wood. Novelisation of The Web Planet.
REF: No ISBNOP: 12s 6d h/b
NM: £50

02/05/1973 Allan Wingate (Publishers) Ltd UK
Cover by Chris Achilleos. Illustrated by John Wood. Print run: 49,000
OP: h/bNM: £40

02/05/1973 Target/Universal-Tandem Publishing Co. Ltd UK
Cover by Chris Achilleos. Illustrated by John Wood. Block logo. Orange spine. Colour decal. Code number 10129 on spine. Reprinted in October/November 1973 and again in January/February 1974.
REF: ISBN 0-426-10129-4OP: 25p p/b
NM: £4.50

1974 Unieboek B V - Bussum Belgium
Cover description -
Doctor Who landt met zijn ruimte-tijdmachine de Tardis op de ijskoude rotsachtige planet Vortis. De Doctor en zijn metgezellen Ian en Vicki, worden gevangen genomen door de ZARBI's, grote, mierachtige wezens met stalen pantsers en klauwen als tangen. Barbara valt ondertussen in handen van de zachtaardige MENOPTERA's die teruggekomen zijn om Vortis te bevrijden van de kwaadaardige ZARBI's...
REF: ISBN 90-269-8103-1OP: f 3,95/ Bfr.66 p/b
NM: £35

11/1974 Target/Tandem Publishing Ltd UK
Cover by Chris Achilleos.
REF: ISBN 0-426-11324-1OP: 30p p/b
NM: £3.50

1975 Target/Tandem Publishing Ltd UK
Cover by Chris Achilleos. Illustrated by John Wood. 2nd impression. Block logo. Orange spine. No code number on spine.
REF: ISBN 0-426-11324-1OP: 40p p/b
NM: £3.50

1975 Target/Tandem Publishing Ltd UK
Cover by Chris Achilleos. Illustrated by John Wood. 2nd impression. Block logo. Orange spine.
REF: ISBN 0-426-11324-1OP: 60p p/b
NM: £3.50

1975 Target/Tandem Publishing Ltd UK
Cover by Chris Achilleos. Illustrated by John Wood. Reprinted Autumn 1975. Block logo. Orange spine. It is possible that this edition was published after the next listed edition despite the fact that it has a lower cover price.
REF: ISBN 0-426-11324-1OP: 40p p/b
NM: £3.50

09/1975 White Lion UK
Cover painting features the 4th Doctor.
REF: ISBN 0-85686-167-7OP: £2.25 h/b
NM: £35

1976/01 Target/W H Allen & Co Ltd UK
REF: ISBN 0-426-11324-1
OP: 40p p/b
NM: £3.50

1978 Target/W H Allen & Co Ltd UK
Cover by Chris Achilleos. Black curve logo. White spine. Print run: 10,000
REF: ISBN 0-426-11324-1OP: 60p p/b
NM: £3.50

17/08/1978 Target/W H Allen & Co Ltd UK
Cover by Chris Achilleos. Illustrated by John Wood. 3rd impression. Black curve logo. White spine. Print run: 4,000
REF: ISBN 0-426-11324-1OP: 70p p/b
NM: £3.50

1979 Target/W H Allen & Co Ltd UK
Print run: 12,000
REF: ISBN 0-426-11324-1OP: 70p p/b
NM: £3.50

1981 Target/W H Allen & Co Ltd UK
Cover by Chris Achilleos. Black curve logo. White spine. Colour decal. Print run: 15,000
REF: ISBN 0-426-11324-1OP: 90p p/b
NM: £3.50

1982 Target/W H Allen & Co Ltd UK
REF: ISBN 0-426-11324-1
OP: p/b
NM: £3.50

1983 Editorial Presenca Portugal
Cover by Rui Ligeiro. Illustrations by John Wood. Translated by Conceicao Jardim and Eduardo Nogueira

1984 Target/W H Allen & Co Ltd UK
Cover by Chris Achilleos. Illustrated by John Wood. Black curve logo. White spine. Colour decal. Interior ISBN: 0-426-10129-4
REF: ISBN 0-426-11324-1OP: £1.50 p/b
NM: £3.50

11/1990 Target/Virgin Publishing Ltd UK
Print run: 5,000
REF: ISBN 0-426-11324-1OP: p/b
NM: £3.50

17/01/1991 Target/Virgin Publishing Ltd UK
Cover by Alistair Pearson (as on Video). Blue spine. Print run: 3,000
REF: ISBN 0-426-20356-9OP: £2.50 p/b
NM: £5

28/04/2016 BBC Books UK
Cover by Chris Achilleos.
Product description -
Affected by a strange force, the TARDIS is dragged down to the desolate planet of Vortis. Until they can discover what is holding them there, the Doctor and his friends are trapped on the planet.
The Doctor, Ian and Vicki are soon captured by the Zarbi — huge ant-like creatures controlled by the parasitic alien Animus. Meanwhile, Barbara runs into a group of Menoptera, butterfly-like creatures that have been driven from their home planet by the Animus and plan to return with an invasion force. But the Zarbi know their plans and are waiting for the Menoptera...
Featuring the First Doctor as played by William Hartnell with his companions Barbara, Ian and Vicki.
REF: ISBN: 978-1785940354
OP: £6.99 PB