Doctor Who and the Carnival of Monsters (Terrance Dicks) Target/Tandem Publishing Ltd

20/01/1977 Target/Tandem Publishing Ltd UK
Cover by Chris Achilleos. Green curve logo. Yellow spine. Colour decal. Print run: 35,000.
Product description -
The Doctor and Jo land on a cargo ship crossing the Indian Ocean in the year 1926. Or So They think.
Far away on a planet called Inter Minor, a travelling showman is setting up his live peepshow, watched by an eager audience of space officials...
On board ship, a giant hand suddenly appears, grasps the Tardis and withdraws. Without warning, a prehistoric monster rises from the sea to attack...
What is happening? Where are they? Only the Doctor realises, with horror, that they might be trapped...
REF: ISBN 0-426-11025-0OP: 50p p/b
NM: £4.50

20/01/1977 Allan Wingate (Publishers) Ltd UK
Cover by Chris Achilleos. Print run: 3,000
REF: ISBN 0-85523-151-3OP: £2.50 h/b
NM: £150 N/M

1978 Longbow (WH Allen) UK
Cover by Chris Achilleos. Print run: 1,500
'Second Impression'
REF: ISBN 0-491-02114-3OP: £2.95 h/b
NM: £120 N/M

1979 Target/W H Allen & Co Ltd UK
Cover by Chris Achilleos. 2nd impression. Green curve logo. Yellow spine.
REF: ISBN 0-426-11025-0OP: p/b
NM: £3.50

19/04/1979 Target/W H Allen & Co Ltd UK
Cover by Chris Achilleos. 3rd impression. Green curve logo. Yellow spine. Print run: 12,000
REF: ISBN 0-426-11025-0OP: 85p p/b
NM: £3.50

1980 Target/W H Allen & Co Ltd UK
OP: p/b
NM: £3.50

1982 Target/W H Allen & Co Ltd UK
Cover by Chris Achilleos. Green curve logo. Yellow spine. Colour decal.
REF: ISBN 0-426-11025-0OP: £1.25 p/b
NM: £3.50

1984 Target/W H Allen & Co Ltd UK
Cover by Chris Achilleos. Green curve logo. Yellow spine. Colour decal.
REF: ISBN 0-426-11025-0OP: £1.35 p/b
NM: £3.50

1985 Target/W H Allen & Co Ltd UK
Cover by Chris Achilleos. Green curve logo. Yellow spine. Outline decal. Print run: 10,000
REF: ISBN 0-426-11025-0OP: £1.50 p/b
NM: £3.50