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The Black Archive #3 - The Ambassadors of Death (LM Myles) Obverse Books

The Black Archive #3 - The Ambassadors of Death (LM Myles)
The Black Archive #3 - The Ambassadors of Death (LM Myles) EditUse as template for a new item
05/03/2016 Obverse Books UK

Product Description:

The Black Archive – a series of book-length looks at single Doctor Who stories from 1963 to the present day.

The Ambassadors of Death is a story with no true villains. Instead it explores how our species might respond to the knowledge that we are not alone in the universe. Fear alone is enough to warp good intentions into horrifying situations, and the enemy is not the monster without, but within our own characters.

Amongst the many changes seen this year, the Doctor casts off his whimsical guise to become a much more straight action hero who acts as the catalyst to show that humanity is at its bravest, its best, when it offers trust, compassion, and kindness, even in the face of mortal peril.

REF: ISBN: 978-1-90903-139-5
OP: £6.99 pb