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Alien Attax Trading Card Game Cards Topps Europe Ltd

Alien Attax Trading Card Game Cards
Alien Attax Trading Card Game Cards
Alien Attax Trading Card Game Cards
Alien Attax Trading Card Game Cards EditUse as template for a new item
03/2013 Topps Europe Ltd UK

There are 5 designs of card pack available: 11th Doctor and Clara; Ood and Judoon; Sontaran and Silent; Weeping Angel and Ice Warrior; Cyberman and Dalek.

The card box comes with an 'On Sale Here' window-poster.

Each pack costs £1.00 and contains 9 cards from the set.

There are 240 standard cards available: Cards 1-16 are rainbow foiled and with gold lettering; Cards 17-48 have mirror (silver) foil edges and silver lettering; the remainder are standard cards. The full list is available with the Collector's Set, and the details are in the images attached.

There are four collectible cards available:

LE1 - Clara Oswold Card (given away in a special packet with Doctor Who Adventures issue 313)

LE2 - Rainbow foil Weeping Angel (given away with the 5 Pack set)

LE3 - Lenticular 9th/10th Doctor card (given away with the Collector Tin)

LE4 - Lenticular 11th Doctor card (given away with the Starter Pack)


There is available on the UK Topps site a 'card generator' which allows you to create and have printed your own card designs for the range. These do not have the individual card number in the top right hand corner, but are otherwise the same as the actual set. This can be found at


2013 Topps Doctor Who Alien Attax Checklist

Rainbow Foil Checklist
16 cards. Inserted 1:5 packs.

1 The Eleventh Doctor
2 Cyberking
3 Davros
4 Dalek
5 Cyberman
6 The Master
7 The First Doctor
8 Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart
9 The Silence
10 Weeping Angel
11 The Ninth Doctor
12 The Tenth Doctor
13 River Song
14 Amy Pond
15 Susan Foreman
16 Sarah Jane Smith

Mirror Foil Checklist
32 cards. Inserted 1:2 packs.

17 Vislor Turlough
18 Jamie McCrimmon
19 Victoria Waterfield
20 Professor Malcolm Taylor
21 Jackson Lake
22 Supreme Dalek
23 Tegan Jovanka
24 Madame Kovarian
25 Leela
26 Face of Boe
27 Judoon
28 Beast
29 Auton Rory
30 Silurian
31 Vashta Nerada
32 Ood
33 Lady Cassandra
34 Vicki Pallister
35 Liz Ten
36 Jenny (Doctor's Daughter)
37 Captain Jack Harkness
38 K-9
39 Mickey Smith
40 Rory Williams
41 Donna Noble
42 Martha Jones
43 Rose Tyler
44 Empty Child
45 Alpha Centauri
46 Harriet Jones
47 Sycorax
48 Slitheen

Base Set Checklist
192 cards.

49 Abzorbaloff
50 Adipose
51 Argolin
52 Atraxi
53 Axon
54 Blon Fel-Fotch Pasameer-Day Slitheen
55 Carrionite
56 Chantho
57 Cherub
58 Cleaves' Ganger
59 Dalek Emperor
60 Dickens' Ganger
61 Drahvin
62 Eknodine
63 Eldrad
64 The Family of Blood
65 Fendahl
66 Flood
67 Foamasi
68 The Forest of Cheem
69 Gelth
70 Gibbis
71 Haemovore
72 Hath Gable
73 Ice Warrior
74 Jagaroth
75 Jagrafess
76 Jennifer Lucas' Ganger
77 Jimmy Wicks' Ganger
78 Kraal
79 Krafayis
80 Krillitane
81 Lassar
82 Lilith
83 Macra
84 Menoptra
85 Minotaur
86 Moter Bloodtide
87 Mother Doomfinger
88 Moxx of Balhoon
89 Muto
90 Ogron
91 Ood Sigma
92 Peg Doll
93 Plasmavore
94 Prisoner Zero
95 Pyrovile
96 Racnoss
97 Reaper
98 Scarecrow
99 Sea Devil
100 Signora Rosanna Calvierri
101 Sil
102 Slyther
103 Sakri
104 Snowman
105 Sontaran
106 Steward
107 Strax
108 Supreme Dalek
109 Sutekh
110 Terileptil
111 Tetrap
112 Tim Beetle
113 The Siren
114 Vervoid
115 Vespiform
116 Madame Vastra
117 Vinvocci
118 Werewolf
119 Zygon
120 Adelaide Brooke
121 Agatha Christie
122 Alex
123 Biff
124 Captain Delaware
125 Captain Avery
126 Captain Hardaker
127 Charles Dickens
128 Chloe Webber
129 Cline
130 Commander Lytton
131 Craig Owens
132 Darla
133 Dr. Constantine
134 Francine Jones
135 General Cobb
136 Hawthorne
137 Helen A
138 Jake Simmons
139 Jennifer Lucas
140 Jenny Flint
141 Klineman Halpen
142 Lady Clemency Eddison
143 Lady Sylvia Thaw
144 Lance Bennett
145 Lucas
146 Lucius Caecilius Lucundus
147 Lucy Saxon
148 Luke Rattigan
149 Madame de Pompadour
150 Mercy Hartigan
151 Miss Foster
152 Morgaine
153 Mr Diagoras
154 Nefertiti
155 Oswin Oswald
156 Penny Carter
157 Private Harris
158 Private Ross Jenkins
159 Professor Hobbes
160 Professor Richard Lazarus
161 Queen Victoria
162 Rajesh Singh
163 Richard Nixon
164 Rosita
165 Scorby
166 Shakespeare
167 Solomon
168 Soothsayer
169 Tegana the Warlord
170 The Editor
171 Thomas Milligan
172 Toby Zed
173 Trish Webber
174 Vincent Van Gogh
175 Winston Churchill
176 Wyatt Earp
177 Yvonne hartman
178 Zack Flane
179 Chip
180 John Lumic
181 Laszlo
182 The Dream Lord
183 The Vampires of Venice
184 Ace
185 Adric
186 Amelia Pond
187 Amy Pond
188 Astrid Peth
189 Barbara Wright
190 Christina de Souza
191 Clara Oswald
192 Donna Noble
193 Jackie Tyler
194 Katarina
195 Martha Jones
196 Nyssa
197 Peri Brown
198 Rose Tyler
199 Rory Williams
200 Sara Kingdom
201 Wilfred Mott
202 Zoe Heriot
203 Azmael
204 Omega
205 Professor Yana
206 Rani
207 Rassilon
208 Romana
209 Romana II
210 The Second Doctor
211 The Third Doctor
212 The Fourth Doctor
213 The Fifth Doctor
214 The Sixth Doctor
215 The Seventh Doctor
216 The Eighth Doctor
217 The Ninth Doctor
218 The Tenth Doctor
219 The Eleventh Doctor
220 The Meddling Monk
221 The Woman
222 Auton
223 Clockwork Droid
224 Handbot
225 Kandy Man
226 Kamelion
227 Smiler
228 The Host
229 Trine-E & Zu-Zana
230 Bannakaffalatta
231 Cybermats
232 Max Capricorn
233 Mr Sin
234 The Gunslinger
235 The Winders
236 Novice Hame
237 Sisters of Plenitude
238 Thomas Kinkade Brannigan
239 Azal
240 Dalek Mothership

Limited Edition Cards Checklist
LE1 Clara Oswald - Doctor Who Adventures Magazine #313
LE2 Weeping Angel - Blister Pack
LE3 The Doctor Lenticular (9th and 10th) - Tin
LE4 The Doctor Lenticular (10th and 11th) - Binder Starter Kit

OP: £1.00 each pack