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Doctor Who Origami (Mark Bolitho) Puffin

Doctor Who Origami (Mark Bolitho)
Doctor Who Origami (Mark Bolitho) EditUse as template for a new item
01/06/2017 Puffin UK

Product Description:

Fold your own models of the Doctor, the TARDIS and monsters from all across time and space, with this brilliant Doctor Who origami book.

Follow the easy instructions to make a moving time rotor, a terrifying Weeping Angel, a brilliant bow tie, a miniature K-9 and so much more.

Containing over 30 origami folding projects plus 60 printed origami paper sheets, this is the ideal creative title for anyDoctor Who fan.

REF: ISBN: 978-1-405-92893-9
OP: £12.99 pb