Audio Drama : Sixth Doctor
The Sixth Doctor: The Last Adventure (Simon Barnard, Paul Morris, Alan Barnes, Matt Fitton, Nicholas Briggs)
The Sixth Doctor And Peri Volume 1 (James Parsons and Andrew Stirling-Brown, Jacqueline Rayner, Stuart Manning, Nev Fountain)
The Eleven (Lizzie Hopley, Nigel Fairs, Chris Chapman)
The Sixth Doctor Adventures: Water Worlds (Jacqueline Rayner, Joshua Pruett, Jonathan Morris)
The Sixth Doctor Adventures: Purity Undreamed (Paul Magrs, Jonathan Morris, Robert Valentine)
The Sixth Doctor Adventures: Purity Unleashed (Matthew Sweet, Chris Chapman, Ian Potter)
The Sixth Doctor Adventures: Purity Unbound (Jacqueline Rayner, Mark Wright, Robert Valentine)
Sontarans vs Rutans: 1.3: Born to Die (Tiegan Byrne)
The Sixth Doctor Adventures: The Quin Dilemma (Jacqueline Rayner, Chris Chapman, Robert Valentine)