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Dalek Dressing Up Costume Scorpion Automotives

Dalek Dressing Up Costume
Dalek Dressing Up Costume
Dalek Dressing Up Costume EditUse as template for a new item
10/1964 Scorpion Automotives UK

This is one of the rarest sixties items today, as in the lead-up to Christmas 1964, the firm's Northampton factory was apparently damaged by fire and the stocks waiting to go to the shops, together with all the components to construct the suits, were destroyed.
This costume had a plastic dome with side lights, a realistic eyestalk, a neck section (through which the occupant could see out) comprising two rings held in place by vertical rods. The shoulder section was patterned after the original Dalek design and the sucker arm and gun stick fitted into sockets so that they could be worked from inside. The outfit was finished off with a PVC skirt, printed with the familiar pattern of studs.
There were two versions of the costume produced. The first was on wheels but this proved a safety hazard and so the second was propelled by foot-power alone. Another safety feature was that if the occupant should trip and fall, the dome automatically came off, thus ensuring that no one could get trapped inside.

Photos courtesy of Mick Hall.

OP: £8 15s 6d