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Tardis Eruditorium - Volume 1: William Hartnell (Phil Sandifer) Amazon Print-on-Demand

Tardis Eruditorium - Volume 1: William Hartnell (Phil Sandifer)
Tardis Eruditorium - Volume 1: William Hartnell (Phil Sandifer) EditUse as template for a new item
11/2011 Amazon Print-on-Demand US

TARDIS Eruditorum is a sprawling and very possibly completely mad critical history of Doctor Who from its first episode in 1963 to the present. In this first volume, we look at topics like how acid-fueled occultism influenced the development of the Cybermen, whether The Celestial Toymaker is irredeemably racist, and whether Barbara Wright was the greatest companion of all time. This book aims to be the most staggeringly thorough look at the evolution of Doctor Who, Great Britain, and the world from 1963 to 1966 ever published.

REF: ISBN: 9781467951586
OP: US $15.99