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Twitter Who Volume 1: The First Doctor (Hannah J. Rothman) CreateSpace Independent Publishing (Amazon)

Twitter Who Volume 1: The First Doctor (Hannah J. Rothman)
Twitter Who Volume 1: The First Doctor (Hannah J. Rothman) EditUse as template for a new item
20/07/2013 CreateSpace Independent Publishing (Amazon) USA
A journey of 100 serials begins with a single Tweet. Okay, more than 100. Whofolk, you are hereby invited to the first chapter of an epic quest as one lone fan traverses the vast realm of Classic Who through fresh eyes: a fan born...wait for it...after 1989. The journey ahead is long and intricate and she wields one tool to document it: Twitter. Bursting from the pages of Outside In, Hannah J. Rothman returns to the beginning as she Tweets and commentates her way through the complete William Hartnell era of Doctor Who. Grab your lapels and get your sonics ready.

REF: ISBN: 978-1490313979
OP: US $8.99 (UK ?5.99)