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Shut Up and Eat! The Unofficial Doctor Who Series Ate Cookbook (Angela Pritchett) CreateSpace (Amazon)

Shut Up and Eat! The Unofficial Doctor Who Series Ate Cookbook (Angela Pritchett)
Shut Up and Eat! The Unofficial Doctor Who Series Ate Cookbook (Angela Pritchett) EditUse as template for a new item
14/04/2015 CreateSpace (Amazon) USA

Product Description:

Shut Up and Eat! The Unofficial Doctor Who Series Ate Cookbook, is a cooking adventure through Doctor Who Series 8! Enjoy an entire meal for each episode from series 8 or just enjoy one dish! With this cookbook you will have a blast cooking for your friends for a Doctor Who viewing party, or just enjoying a great meal!

REF: ISBN: 978-1-511724111
OP: USA $16.95 / UK ?11.50