Doctor Who and the Loch Ness Monster (Terrance Dicks) Target/Tandem Publishing Ltd

1976 Target/Tandem Publishing Ltd UK
Cover by Chris Achilleos. Blue curve logo. White spine. Colour decal.
Product description -
Why is DOCTOR WHO suddenly summoned to the shores of Loch Ness? Terror and panic spread as the third oil rig is smashed into the sea by a mysterious force...the monster? The controlling power must be the ZYGONS — alien creatures who have lived hidden on Earth for thousands of years, and now feel strong enough to take over the planet...The Doctor, Sarah and UNIT have different ideas — but can they outwit the supreme cunning of the ruthless ZYGONS?
OP: 50p p/b
NM: £3

1976 Allan Wingate (Publishers) Ltd UK
"Second Impression"
REF: ISBN 0-85523-054-1OP: h/b

15/01/1976 Target/Tandem Publishing Ltd UK
Cover by Chris Achilleos. Blue curve logo. White spine. Colour decal.
REF: ISBN 0-426-11041-2OP: 40p p/b
NM: £4

15/01/1976 Allan Wingate (Publishers) Ltd UK
Cover by Chris Achilleos. Print run: 3,000
REF: ISBN 0-85523-054-1OP: £2.25 h/b
NM: £180

1977 Allan Wingate (Publishers) Ltd UK
Cover by Chris Achilleos. Print run: 1,500
"Third Impression"
REF: ISBN 0-85523-054-1OP: h/b

17/08/1978 Target/Tandem Publishing Ltd UK
Cover by Chris Achilleos. 2nd impression. Green curve logo. White spine. Two editions in 1978. First Print run: 3,000. Second print run: 10,000.
REF: ISBN 0-426-11041-2OP: 75p p/b
NM: £3

06/1979 Pinnacle Books USA
Cover by David Mann
Product description -
Investigating mysterious attacks on North Sea oil rigs, Doctor Who discovers that, yes, there really is a Loch Ness monster.
Half-animal and half-machine, it's the Skarasen, a monster-child of the exiled Zygons. They and their crippled spaceship have been in hiding for centuries. Now that they have regained their strength, the born-again but homeless Zygons plan to invade Earth, conquer its primitive peoples and stay on — as rulers.
Doctor Who is rather worried, even terrified, that the Zygons really might take over. Will Doctor Who be able to outwit the cunning strategies of the ruthless and dynamic Zygons in time to save us all?
REF: ISBN 0-523-40609-6OP: $1.75 p/b
NM: £5

20/11/1979 Target/Tandem Publishing Ltd UK
Print run: 12,000
REF: ISBN 0-426-11041-2OP: 75p p/b
NM: £3

1980 Target/Tandem Publishing Ltd UK
Print run: 15,000
REF: ISBN 0-426-11041-2OP: 85p p/b
NM: £3

1982 Target/Tandem Publishing Ltd UK
Cover by Chris Achilleos. Lime green curve logo. White spine. Colour decal. Print run: 15,000
REF: ISBN 0-426-11041-2OP: £1.25 p/b
NM: £3

1983 Target/Tandem Publishing Ltd UK
Print run: 20,000
REF: ISBN 0-426-11041-2OP: p/b
NM: £3

1986 Target/Tandem Publishing Ltd UK
Cover by Chris Achilleos. Green curve logo. Outline decal. Print run: 10,000
REF: ISBN 0-426-11041-2OP: £1.60 p/b
NM: £3

18/03/1993 Target/Virgin Publishing Ltd UK
Cover by Alistair Pearson (cover marked Pearson's 75th Doctor Who commission). Blue spine.
REF: ISBN 0-426-2-391-7OP: £3.50 p/b
NM: £5

10/05/2012 BBC Books UK
Introduction by Michael Moorcock.
Product description -
Harry stared in amazement at the fierce head on the immensely strong neck, the huge body with its two low humps, and the flat, powerful tail. 'We must be under Loch Ness,' he gasped. 'And that thing - that's the monster!'
Centuries ago, a Zygon spaceship crash landed in Loch Ness. Now, with their home planet destroyed, the alien creatures plan to take over Earth. Their most powerful weapon is a huge armoured dinosaur-like creature of terrifying power that they brought to Earth as an embryo - the Loch Ness Monster.
The Doctor, Sarah and Harry soon discover that the Zygons have another weapon. They can assume the identity of any human they capture. Who knows which of their friends might really be a Zygon?
UNIT faces one of its toughest battles as Broton, Warlord of the Zygons, puts his plan into action and the Loch Ness Monster attacks.
Featuring the Fourth Doctor as played by Tom Baker, with his companions Sarah Jane Smith and Harry Sullivan and the UNIT organisation commanded by Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart.
REF: 9781849904759OP: £4.99

2014 BBC Books UK
Identical to the release of 10/05/2012, except that the gold foil logo on the front cover has been replaced by a standard printed logo.
Although probably published in 2014, the copyright page still says 2012.
REF: ISBN: 978-1-849-90475-9OP: £5.99