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Fanwinked (J.R. Southall) Watching Books

Fanwinked (J.R. Southall)
Fanwinked (J.R. Southall) EditUse as template for a new item
09/02/2017 Watching Books UK

Product Description:

“Irresistible!” Gareth Morgan, YouTube Somewhere in space and time, Peter Cushing really is the first Doctor Who, Hugh Grant’s TARDIS turn lasted longer than a few Fatal Death minutes, and Adric is the King of the Neanderthals. In this same alternative reality, the United States produced their own domestic remake of the series, Clara met the eighth Doctor over a cow, and the eleventh Doctor had an insatiable desire to terminate Amy and Rory with as much extreme prejudice as he could muster. None of these things are real. But don’t let that stop you. 100% of the author’s royalties from Fanwinked will be donated to charity.

REF: ISBN: 978-1-54301-439-6
OP: £12.00 pb