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Timelines - A Dozen Doctors In Verse (Ange Chan) CreateSpace (Amazon)

Timelines - A Dozen Doctors In Verse (Ange Chan)
Timelines - A Dozen Doctors In Verse (Ange Chan) EditUse as template for a new item
16/02/2017 CreateSpace (Amazon) UK

Product Description:

'TIMELINES : A Dozen Doctors in Verse' is a collection of poetry borne out of a lifelong love for The Doctor and all his adversaries. It covers an array of poetry, in both free form and prose styles and a couple of quirky limericks thrown in for good measure too! The constant theme of '12' runs through the book from the Zygons to The Impossible Girl, and The War Doctor to The Quantum Shade. It's a must read for any fan of Doctor Who.

REF: ISBN: 978-1-54277-058-3
OP: £3.50