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Winner Takes All (Jacqueline Rayner) BBC Worldwide Ltd

Winner Takes All (Jacqueline Rayner)
Winner Takes All (Jacqueline Rayner) EditUse as template for a new item
05/2005 BBC Worldwide Ltd UK

9th Doctor and Rose.

REF: ISBN 0-563-48627-9
OP: £6.99 h/b
Ki vagy, Doki?: A Gyõztes Mindent Visz (Jacqueline Rayner)
Ki vagy, Doki?: A Gyõztes Mindent Visz (Jacqueline Rayner) EditUse as template for a new item
2006 Hungary
Winner Takes All (Jacqueline Rayner)
Winner Takes All (Jacqueline Rayner) EditUse as template for a new item
25/04/2013 BBC Worldwide Ltd UK

Paperback edition.

The copyright page says 'Published in 2005', but actually published 2013.

REF: ISBN 978-1-849-90715-6
OP: £6.99 p/b