Books : Target Novelisations
Doctor Who - The Daleks' Master Plan: Part I: Mission to the Unknown (John Peel)
Doctor Who - The Daleks' Master Plan: Part II: The Mutation of Time (John Peel)
Doctor Who - Silver Nemesis (Kevin Clarke)
Doctor Who - The Greatest Show in the Galaxy (Stephen Wyatt)
Doctor Who - Planet of Giants (Terrance Dicks)
Doctor Who - The Happiness Patrol (Graeme Curry)
Doctor Who - The Space Pirates (Terrance Dicks)
Doctor Who - Remembrance of the Daleks (Ben Aaronovitch)
Doctor Who - Ghost Light (Marc Platt)
Doctor Who - Survival (Rona Munro)
Doctor Who - The Curse of Fenric (Ian Briggs)
Doctor Who - Battlefield (Marc Platt)
Doctor Who - Rose (Russell T Davies)
Doctor Who - The Day of the Doctor (Steven Moffat)
Doctor Who - The Christmas Invasion (Jenny T Colgan)
Doctor Who - Twice Upon A Time (Paul Cornell)
Doctor Who - City of Death (James Goss)
Doctor Who and the Library of Time
Doctor Who: The TV Movie (Gary Russell)
Doctor Who: Resurrection of the Daleks (Eric Saward)
Doctor Who: Revelation of the Daleks (Eric Saward)
Doctor Who and the Pirate Planet (Douglas Adams and James Goss)
Doctor Who: Dalek (Robert Shearman)
Doctor Who: The Crimson Horror (Mark Gatiss)
Doctor Who: The Witchfinders (Joy Wilkinson)
Doctor Who: The Eaters of Light (Rona Munro)
Doctor Who: The Stones of Blood (David Fisher)
Doctor Who: The Fires of Pompeii (James Moran)
Doctor Who: The Androids of Tara (David Fisher)
Doctor Who: Kerblam! (Pete McTighe)
Doctor Who: Planet of the Ood (Keith Temple)
Doctor Who: The Zygon Invasion (Peter Harness)
Doctor Who: The Waters of Mars (Phil Ford)
Doctor Who: Warriors' Gate and Beyond (Stephen Gallagher)
Doctor Who: The Evil of the Daleks (Frazer Hines with Mike Tucker and Steve Cole)
Doctor Who: The Star Beast (Gary Russell)
Doctor Who: Wild Blue Yonder (Mark Morris)
Doctor Who: The Giggle (James Goss)
Doctor Who: The Church on Ruby Road (Esmie Jikiemi-Pearson)
Doctor Who: Space Babies (Alison Rumfitt)
Doctor Who: 73 Yards (Scott Handcock)
Doctor Who: Rogue (Kate Herron & Briony Redman)